In Search Of Passion…

Anuja Barnwal
3 min readMar 25, 2021
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

In the dictionary, it says the meaning of passion is a strong feeling or emotion towards something. So my question is, does passion help in growing the roots of this strong feeling and make a possible tree for all the passionate? Me here pulling out all the stops to find the answer and still exploring it.

Also including a very basic question, does passion equals success? Well my searching is still on, because people these days value success, not their passion or determination or any of the hard work done by the them.

For me when you are really happy doing something, there is a hint of what you are passionate about. And from that add a level of obsession to it, lot of labor hours and few sacrifices as well as devotion. When we are passionate we do things to make difference in our life. And for being passionate we should be ready to weather every storm no matter how hard it is. We often cease to care about failure because passion brings out different kinds of energy in us.

Lot of people think passion and success are equal. But there is a huge misconception about success in this era. Here, it is compared with others’ success, their passion and thereby forced with their passion to follow. But very few gets that everyone has their individuality and own perspective, so their passion and success might be different and they want something different for their life.

For few people, success means being proud of their achievements and being part of something that matters. And this is peculiarly true when it comes to meaningful success. By meaningful success I mean when you are satisfied with what you have done. Frankly, if anyone decides to follow their passion, there is a greater possibility that money and success will follow, because the time and effort invested in the venture come with enthusiasm and zeal.

It is rightly said that instead of trying to find your passion, let your passion find you. As there are lots of myths on which we believe and one of them is that your life only makes sense if you do what you love. That might be true, but the pursuit of passion can be equally satisfying, which is something we often overlook.

Photo by Jeff Tumale on Unsplash

So now people ask me: How did you find your passion?

I am one of those people who thought from childhood what I have to do and where I belong in my future. In between no doubt, I have also thought maybe I wanted to do something else or maybe I want to become a fashion designer but I stuck to one dream which I thought would come out true. But unfortunately, it didn’t despite all the hard work. So I followed my instincts and took a risk of my career. But now I realize that it has been the best decision and I wish I had chosen this earlier. I will say that now I have realized what my inner core of heart wanted me to do and where to put all my heart in.

No doubt, I have missed lot of things behind finding out what I truly want. However, it seems like many of us put too much pressure on ourselves to find our passion and I am also one of them.

I mean it’s important, but not a magical solution that will make all your problems disappear.

So why I am telling you all this:

Passion is not something that will automatically come to your doorsteps. And also you don’t have to break rocks to get to know your passion. you just need to go through the flow and follow your heart. Also, you need to keep doing as many things as you can and explore every part of your mind and world as well. And most importantly you should learn how to manage your stress and anxiety. So instead of searching for your passion, let your passion come to you. As it is said: “Patience and passion work in one breath”.

